Sydney Sunday 30th April 2023
It is always sad to wake up on our final day on board our cruise. No matter how often we have experienced that final morning, it still does not get any better! Our departure started probably 3-4 days ago when we were notified of our last laundry service. Hmm. Then a form to notify the ship's crew our transport arrangements on disembarkation which included pick-up times, flight times be it international or domestic or train or bus connections arrived on our bed 2 days before. Then Australian Foreign Affairs form for arrivals from overseas sheet. What the? Oh yeh we were in international waters when we sailed past Willis Island! Then the coloured luggage tags, times to disembark and departure lounges notices. Finally the collection of suitcases we leave outside our cabin door the night before. Also our gratuities to our Cabin Stewart and various waiters who have looked after us so well.
I had booked our 2.15pm domestic flight home, allowing for the chance the ship could be late sailing into Sydney Harbour. Knowing we had a long wait at Sydney Airport, I arranged to have one of the last disembarkation times off the ship. This morning we woke early, but of course, not as early as other passengers, showered, dressed and left our cabin for the last time. When we walked past our vacant neighbor's cabins we could see past the open doors, into the de-sheeted beds and the stewards preparing the cabins for the next shipload of passengers. The names on the cabins deleted, all in readiness for the eager cruisers. The next cruise was bound for Hawaii on a 35 day return cruise, then the World Cruise for over 100 days.
We breakfasted in the main dining room, then made our way to the gangway. Once on shore, we didn't need to have any luggage checked by customs (wonder why?), just handed over the arrival form and left the building. Taxi to Sydney Airport through virtually empty streets (Sunday morning), arriving at Virgin Airlines departure area by 9.30am. Great service by a Virgin Airlines attendant who helped with Paul's fold-up electric wheelchair (his name was Rob, and had the cutest moustache).
After the drawn out wait at the airport, we flew back home happy and for myself, relieved all had gone to plan. Woo Hoo!